Award results of The JAPAN GAME AWARDS 2012 have been announced as follows.


- Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

- PlayStation®Vita
This is an innovative game design that is set in the sky. The symbolically individualistic world view created by the tone shaded graphics and game music has been praised as "unprecedented," "innovative," and "next-generation game" by many users, which led to the presentation of this award.

- Journey

- thatgamecompany
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

- PlayStation Network
This title does away with all of game purpose information, screens displaying information, and the conversation and text elements to create a world steeped in mystery.
Many games tend to be created to be in depth and based on using much explanation, but there are almost no games that created using only the bare minimum of what is necessary.
And while this game is selected by people, it was given named as the 2012 Game Designers Award winner for its clear approach and overall high quality including that of its graphics and sound.

【Abbreviations of platform】
PS3: PlayStation®3 / PSP: PSP®(PlayStation®Portable) / PS Vita: PlayStation®Vita / DS: Nintendo DS and DS Lite、DSi、DSi LL / 3DS: Nintendo 3DS and 3DS LL / Xbox 360: Xbox 360® / PC: Windows®