Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry Award|
Games of the Year Division| Future Division| Amateur Division
Games of the Year Division| Future Division| Amateur Division
Award results of The JAPAN GAME AWARDS 2015 have been announced as follows.
Games of the Year Division Grand Award

LEVEL-5 Inc.Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo 3DS LLThe work is full of new funs through three works in the series including communication competition between "Ganso/Honke" and "Shinuchi" and appearance of special dungeons and rare Yo-Kai through data linkage.
The prize has been given to the work, which involves various media, and whose series created a big boom like the previous work "Yo-Kai Watch."
Game Designers Award

Niantic, Inc.iOS / Android OSIngress is a game to control fields in the real world based on the information on landmarks and locations.
Ingress gets many supports from judges because the rule and the picture formation are novel as well as it is so appealing that many players are wrapped up in the game.

Awards | Title | Platform | Company |
Grand Award | YO-KAI WATCH 2 Ganso/Honke/Shinuchi | 3DS | LEVEL-5 Inc. |
Game Designers Award |
Ingress | iOS / Android OS | Niantic, Inc. |
Award for excellence |
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U | Wii U | Nintendo Co., Ltd. |
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS | 3DS | Nintendo Co., Ltd. | |
Destiny | PS4 / PS3 | Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. | |
DRAGON QUEST HEROES: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below |
Bloodborne | PS4 | Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. | |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire |
3DS | The Pokémon Company | |
Mario Kart 8 | Wii U | Nintendo Co., Ltd. | |
YO-KAI WATCH 2 Ganso/Honke | 3DS | LEVEL-5 Inc. | |
YO-KAI WATCH 2 Shinuchi | 3DS | LEVEL-5 Inc. | |
RYU GA GOTOKU 0 Chikai no Basho | PS4 / PS3 | Sega Games Corporation | |
Special Award |
Minecraft | PS4 / PS3 / PS Vita Xbox One / XB360 iOS / Android OS PC / Mac |
Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd. |
MONSTER STRIKE | iOS / Android OS | mixi, Inc. | |
Best Sales Award |
YO-KAI WATCH 2 Ganso/Honke | 3DS | LEVEL-5 Inc. |
Global Award Japanese Product |
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U | 3DS / Wii U | Nintendo Co., Ltd. |
Global Award Foreign Product |
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare | PS4 / PS3 Xbox One / XB360 PC |
[Abbreviations of platform]
PS4: PlayStation®4 / PS3: PlayStation®3 / 3DS: Nintendo 3DS and 3DS LL
XB360: Xbox 360® / PC: Windows®
PS4: PlayStation®4 / PS3: PlayStation®3 / 3DS: Nintendo 3DS and 3DS LL
XB360: Xbox 360® / PC: Windows®