AWARDED GAMES "Amateur Division"

Honorable Mention
an After image

Amateur Division Honorable Mention

General Description

Title an After image
Platform smartphone / tablet
Winner's name Team. - EDEN -

Reason for the Honorable Mention

  • The simple and strong entertaining concept is great.
  • The tempo of thinking, input, and implementation phases is considered for a smart phone game.
  • As a system, like other puzzles, there is no variety of correct answer.
    More troubles and more variety as a game would be more interesting!
  • As both the concept and the system are highly complete, this work would be more with action methods, stages, more comfortable escalation of scales would lead to more enjoyable work.
  • Touch responses sometimes are bad maybe due to a terminal.
Takashi Tokita
Square Enix Co., Ltd.

Work Introdution

The player should defeat all enemies and head for the goal until a hat thrown in the sky falls.
A puzzle game just like an action movie.

The hero can attack enemies after throwing a hat until it falls.

Before throwing a hat, the player can enter attack patterns with a gun and a sword in advance, destroy all enemies, and head for the goal at the fastest rate.

This work's game design is very attractive: concept with a high aspect of entertainment, operability in good tempo, and speedy.