Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry Award|
Games of the Year Division| Future Division| Amateur Division
Games of the Year Division| Future Division| Amateur Division
Award for Excellence

General Description

Title | 4D FOLLOWERS |
Platform | PC |
School | College International Institute of Infomation Technology University |
Winner's name | Project 4D FOLLOWERS |
Reason for the Award for Excellence
When I played this work for the first time, I was surprised because "in spite of single play, I felt as if I were in multiplay."
The main flow of the game is (1) In the strategy phase, move the "servant ball" to operate gimmicks and record the movements.
(2) In the action phase, the servant ball traces the movement recorded in advance, and along the trace, the "king ball" heads for the goal.
Until the player gets familiar with this work, he/she may not do as desired. For example, the servant ball prevents the king ball from traveling. Once he/she gets familiar, he/she can experience the feeling "as if he/she were divided into two persons to enjoy multiplay."
Many parts directly remind me of the theme of "time." Above all, this work is good and enjoyable enough to make players feel like playing.
Akira Chigira
The main flow of the game is (1) In the strategy phase, move the "servant ball" to operate gimmicks and record the movements.
(2) In the action phase, the servant ball traces the movement recorded in advance, and along the trace, the "king ball" heads for the goal.
Until the player gets familiar with this work, he/she may not do as desired. For example, the servant ball prevents the king ball from traveling. Once he/she gets familiar, he/she can experience the feeling "as if he/she were divided into two persons to enjoy multiplay."
Many parts directly remind me of the theme of "time." Above all, this work is good and enjoyable enough to make players feel like playing.
Akira Chigira
Work Introdution

The game adopts the time axis in the strategy and the action phases.
In the strategy phase, the blue servant ball's actions are set in advance to handle various tricks (obstacles).
In the action phase, the servant ball removes obstacles and succeeds in leading the red king ball to the goal.
The important point to win the stage is to set the position and the timing to move the blue ball in the strategy phase (while imaging movements of blue and red balls in the action phase)!
In spite of a single play, it has new puzzle game attractions such as multiplay-like game design and highly complete stage structures.