Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry Award|
Games of the Year Division| Future Division| Amateur Division
Games of the Year Division| Future Division| Amateur Division
Award for Excellence

General Description

Title | TWINS |
Platform | PC |
School | SEIFU Institute of Information Technology |
Winner's name | Hiroyuki Matsumoto |
Reason for the Award for Excellence
Two characters have their own roles and the game proceeds by switching the operations. This is not a new method. In spite of this, simple graphics with a unique sense and game characteristics realized a new view of the world.
The world consists of line drawings, and it was beautiful and attractive that two characters with different characters and abilities complement each other. I was attracted with the world.
It seems the title suggests they are twins.
I want to know their childhood and future.
The balance between the kind explanation and the detachment from the player when his/her imagination is required was good. I comfortably enjoyed tactics without knowing the degree of intention,
I felt the sense in the use of technology. Though the game looks simple, the developer did a good job as required.
The appeal of the game is realized because this work was created by an individual without opinions from many people. We somewhat envy the creator because we are accustomed to the game creation done by many people.
I am hoping for other works and products individually created and interested in when he creates a game with friends, what he would do to complement each other, what direction he goes and how he uses the ability which made him awarded.
I am looking forward to seeing his future.
Tetsuya Matsui
Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
The world consists of line drawings, and it was beautiful and attractive that two characters with different characters and abilities complement each other. I was attracted with the world.
It seems the title suggests they are twins.
I want to know their childhood and future.
The balance between the kind explanation and the detachment from the player when his/her imagination is required was good. I comfortably enjoyed tactics without knowing the degree of intention,
I felt the sense in the use of technology. Though the game looks simple, the developer did a good job as required.
The appeal of the game is realized because this work was created by an individual without opinions from many people. We somewhat envy the creator because we are accustomed to the game creation done by many people.
I am hoping for other works and products individually created and interested in when he creates a game with friends, what he would do to complement each other, what direction he goes and how he uses the ability which made him awarded.
I am looking forward to seeing his future.
Tetsuya Matsui
Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Work Introdution

The black character controls the time of the past, present, and future and changes stages. The white character becomes a second self of the player and plays a part of a filter, heading for the goal: it carries something and climbs a high level difference.
This work brims with individuality and shows impressive black-and-white view of the world with unique sense. Its game characteristics are attractive.