AWARDED GAMES "Amateur Division"

Honorable Mention

Amateur Division Honorable Mention

General Description

Title ArithmeticPuzzle
Platform PC
School Trident College of Information Technology
Winner's name Daiki Suzuki

Reason for the Honorable Mention

It's a puzzle game utilizing the four arithmetic operations.

Players will have to repeat the calculation entirely in his/her head, which leads to immersiveness.

The feeling of confusion is also interesting as soon as multiplication and division are mixed,It has a potential as children's education software.

There would be much room for artifices such as setting of conditions to clear the game and enhancement of bits.


Work Introdution

It's a calculation puzzle game to combine formulas that slide from right one after another so that the leftmost digit would be the answer.

It looks like a simple calculation drill, however, its formula contains addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

You can easily get panic if you do not combine formula flowing by calculating them quickly.

One person mode aiming for high scores and two players mode are prepared.

It's the work with full of originalities impressive with planning ability combining educational elements of the calculation and puzzle game and graphics/sounds in the motif of the school.