Honorable Mention Libretto

General Description

Title Libretto
Platform PC
Position Osaka Information and
Computer Science College
Prize Libretto Seisakuiinkai

Reason for the Honorable Mention

This is a currently popular type of game. I liked that it was fun to play the first time. Unlike the common horizontal scroll action games, the player automatically advances, so it was nice to be able to concentrate on the jumps and items.
The game is simple, but getting a high score is difficult, so it makes you want to play it again and again and thus it is full of the elements that make a good game.
However, the graphics and character need to be improved to take the game to a higher level. See if you can do it!
The operation is not complex, so I think it can be played on a smart phone and other devices in addition to a PC.
Please continue making games with good operation.

Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Shingo Takatsuka

Work Introdution

This is a horizontal scroll game where you operate the cute maid character to run as far as possible and rack up the score while avoiding obstacles, etc.
The character moves automatically, so the player can concentrate on the action and collecting items while heading for the goal.
The difficulty increases as you progress through stages, and you cannot make even one mistake, so this game keeps you on pins and needles.

List of Awarded Games

経済産業大臣賞 年間作品部門 ゲームデザイナーズ大賞 フューチャー部門 アマチュア部門