Honorable Mention BANG!BANG!BACHICON

General Description

Platform PC
Prize M3

Reason for the Honorable Mention

The first impression I received playing this game is how good it felt to hit the monsters by inflating the ghost.
The gaminess of trying to keep away from the monsters on a small stage while waiting for an opportunity to hit them was exciting, and I also liked the system where you could recover no matter how many times you failed and thus preventing excess stress while playing.
Also, the character traits of the girl player-character fit the action of slinging the ghost and she is cute, so the gaminess and character match well. The design, including the title logo and boss name, also match the game image.
One unfortunate aspect, however, was that although the gaminess had many different elements, the overall image, including the graphics and stage configuration resembled the SAND CRUSH title, also from Tokyo Polytechnic University, that won the Amateur Award in 2010, so it would have been nice if new ideas had been used in this area as well.

Akira Chigira

Work Introdution

In this action game the player uses a wooden hammer to sling the ghost around and knock off the odd-shaped monsters.
This method of attack is simple. You attack by pressing one button to hit the enemy with the ghost. Holding the button down for a long time builds up power so that you can knock off several enemies at once.
This title does a good job of fusing together the fun of knocking off enemies, the gaminess and character, which is the action of the cute girl main character as she slings around the ghost, and the world view of the game.

List of Awarded Games

経済産業大臣賞 年間作品部門 ゲームデザイナーズ大賞 フューチャー部門 アマチュア部門