Honorable Mention CUBE

General Description

Title CUBE
Platform Nintendo DS
Position HAL OSAKA

Reason for the Honorable Mention

This title is an action game, but it is unique in that the character can move along the surface of a three-dimensional cube.
The stage is drawn on a 3D cube and there are the following two operation systems.
(1) Move the character
(2) View the stage while turning the cube
This provides both the elements of an action game and the solving of a puzzle to achieve playability at a high level.
As the game progresses, it moves from stages with easy to remember actions to difficult stages, so you learn the operations while advancing through the game.
In addition, each cube surface has a gravity direction.
However, the gravity will reverse if you turn the cube while dropping it!
The later stages are designed to be cleared by using this gimmick.
Each surface has the feel of a 2D game, so the sense of playing a 3D game by challenging 2D games is new.
The fusion of technology and sensation make this a very novel title.

Yoichiro Miyake

Work Introdution

In this action puzzle game the play moves the character from one surface to another of a cube to reach the goal within the time limit.
To reach the goal you must make the character and the door face each other!
The objective is to move along the faces of the cube to find a route that allows the character to faced the goal door.
Although the rules are simple and clear, this game is very addictive.

List of Awarded Games

経済産業大臣賞 年間作品部門 ゲームデザイナーズ大賞 フューチャー部門 アマチュア部門