Title Charlotte
Platform PC
Position Shobi University
Prize Team Charlie

While having the orthodox genre of a side view 2D action game, it is also a game with atmosphere that has built a unique worldview.
The idea of not having the characters move at a set time (gasification) for movement and attack action was brilliant.
The "static" and "mobile" use of characters provides a high game feeling and the stage gimmicks that utilize these are exceptionally functional.
The graphics of black and grey tones that express the characteristic of (gasification) look dull at first glance, but, conversely, the smooth movement of the characters looks realistic.
The stage configuration as an action game is done well and takes this title to an overall high level.

This is a 2D action game that operates characters with wondrous abilities.
The characters have an "gasification" ability. This ability can be used to pass through the traps in the stage, fell enemies, and advance to the next stage.
The original action played out using the gasification ability together with the monotone visuals and sound developed only be SE, create a unique and attractive world view.