September 21, 2007

Japan Game Awards 2007
"Amateur Division" Award Winners Chosen
The titles that have received awards in the gAmateur Divisionh at the Japan Game Awards 2007, sponsored by the Computer Entertainment Supplierfs Association (CESA, Chairman: Yoichi Wada; Location: Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo) have been chosen.
The Grand Award in the Amateur Division goes to gBattle Questh, a game created by team@gKenta Nakamurah,HAL Institute of Computer Technology. The game has the outstanding world view and story; the mere doodle that a boy did on a notebook turns into a game. The creative building and depiction of this view, and the care taken to ensure that players donft lose interest in the game were the main reasons why this game was selected for the Grand Award.
For award of excellence, gShimensokah, gTRUE ENSEMBLEh,gPunitto Clownh,gLEAD BALLh,have been chosen and five games have received Honorable Mention. For further detailed information, please visit the Japan Game Awards official website: URL
Other awards such as award of excellence, uShimensokavuTRUE ENSEMBLEvuPunitto ClownvuLEAD BALLv have been chosen and five games have received Honorable Mention. For further detailed information such as the reasons why the titles that received awards were selected, please visit the Japan Game Awards official website: URL
The gAmateur Divisionh is a new division that was formed this year by combining the former gIndies Divisionh (Japan Game Awards 2006) for games that had not yet been commercialized and the gCESA Student Game Awardsh for original games that were created by students.
As for the procedure of the selection, the 265 original games that are created by amateurs were collected from March 19 till June 30 of 2007 and their VTR was examined as the fist way of the selection. The selection proceeded the trial play as the second selection. After the trial play by professional creators and journal editors of the game industries as the final judging session, the games that are awarded have been determined.
Enquiries: Japan Game Awards Secretariat Tel: ‚O‚R|‚R‚T‚X‚P|‚P‚S‚R‚P^Fax: ‚O‚R|‚R‚T‚X‚P|‚P‚S‚Q‚Q^‚ Official website: |
Amateur Division Award Winners
* Honorific titles have been omitted from the recipients'names.
* The following abbreviations are used for the platforms.
DS: Nintendo DS and DS Lite, PC: Personal Computer, PS2: PlayStation 2
(The titles are in Japanese alphabetical order.)
On Sunday, September 23 at Tokyo game show 2007, the press conference and Award ceremony of the gFuture Divisionh is scheduled to be held. The games that will receive awards are selected from the pre-released games presented and exhibited at uTokyo Game Show 2007v and will be determined by the judgment of the Japan Game Awards Selection committee and the votes from the attendees of Tokyo Game Show 2007.
E@ | Future Division | F | Sunday September 23 12:30pm-13:30pm | |
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The press pass of uTokyo Game Show 2007v is necessary for the coverage. Please present the press pass at the event entrance. |
As for the two divisions, gGame of the Year Divisionh and gFuture Divisionh, we create and distribute the award logo that are put on the packages of the awarded games and posters to introduce all the awarded games to game software shops and such. We hope that the logo and posters will be the ways to let more and more people know about gJapan Game Awardsh and will be the contribution for the sales promotion of the awarded games. Moreover, we hope to tell more people the enjoyment and wonderfulness of the computer entertainment and contribute developments of the game industries through gJapan Game Awardsh.