September 20, 2007

Japan Game Awards 2007
"Games of the Year Division" Award Winners Chosen
The titles that will receive awards in the gGames of the Year Divisionh at the Japan Game Awards 2007, sponsored by the Computer Entertainment Supplierfs Association (CESA, Chairman: Yoichi Wada; Location: Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo) have been chosen.
The Grand Award in the "Games of the Year Divisionh, selected from games sold in Japan between April 1, 2006 and March 31, 2007 goes to two games: "Wii Sports" (Nintendo Co., Ltd.) and "Monster Hunter Portable 2ndh (Capcom Co., Ltd.). This is the second year in a row and the third time overall that two titles have been chosen to receive the Grand Award.
The gWii Sportsh games played using the Wii Remote controller do not require any difficult operations whatsoever, and can be enjoyed with friends or family in the comfort of your living room. gWii Sportsh has totally revamped the image of traditional game consoles, and has won over new demographic sectors, particularly women and seniors. In addition, the support garnered from a wide range of users in the general vote was a major factor in the titlefs selection for the Grand Award.
gMonster Hunter Portable 2ndh is more than a just a game where you connect up with your friends via wireless ad-hoc mode and have fun playing it has now become a communication tool. It can be said that this playing style has become a social phenomenon among junior high and high school students, and the overwhelming support that this game received mainly from this demographic sector led to its selection as a Grand Award winner.
Pokemon Diamond Version / Pearl Version won the Best Sales Award recorded sales of 4,930,000 units in the target year. In the period up to the end of July, 2007, total worldwide sales exceeded 10 million units.
For further detailed information such as the reasons why the titles that received awards were selected, please visit the Japan Game Awards official website: URL
Enquiries: Japan Game Awards Secretariat Tel: OR|RTXP|PSRP^Fax: OR|RTXP|PSQQ^ Official website: |
Games of the Year Division Award Winners
* The following abbreviations are used for the platforms.
@Wii: Nintendo Wii, XB360: Xbox 360, DS: Nintendo DS and DS Lite, PC: Personal Computer, PS3: PlayStation 3,
PS2: PlayStation 2, PSP: PlayStation Portable
(The titles are in Japanese alphabetical order.)