The METI Award introduced last year is awarded to the MONSTER HUNTER development team of CAPCOM Co., Ltd.

The MONSTER HUTER development team took advantage of the portable game machine to establish a new game style by cooperative play by communication.
The play style to “defeat monsters cooperating with friends” communicating with each other captivated many users.

It caused a social phenomenon called MON-HUN phenomenon and achieved cumulative series sales of 10 million titles after the first release in 2004 to contribute to expansion of the market which was evaluated for the award.

<Objective of introducing the METI Award>
Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA) understands computer entertainment software as a cultural form and is holding this event since 1996 to celebrate the 13th anniversary this year for the purposes to vitalize and contribute to development of the computer entertainment software industry.
The Japan Game Awards have been selecting and awarding excellent videogame software in three categories of “Game of the Year Division”, “Future Division” and “Amateur Division”.
While the awards were formerly given only to videogame software, the “METI Award” was introduced last year which is to be awarded both to videogame software and persons/group of persons which and who are supporting the videogame industry to make the system “more open and meaningful award system”.

<Selection Criteria for the METI Award>
The prize is awarded to those who have contributed to the development of the videogame industry through creation of excellent products or expanded the scope of the videogame industry using a new expression, technology, etc.
Persons and group of persons are eligible to receive the award.