
Dr. Yourou Dr. Yourou proudly calls himself a real game player.

He commented that "It may sound a bit too late but our industry is currently researching on the effect of the TV have on our children. We should also look into the effect of the game on children," and he concluded with a strong message of his future vision for the game market.

The reception was held at the same building after the award ceremony.

Many participants including the media, who were reporting about the award, had very good time at the reception. 

The media people interviewed each award winners and they showed interest in the award winner's future work.


Producing Award Poster and Seals

This year's new "The 6th CESA GAME AWARDS" has given the right to the award winners to use the award seals in order to promote their game as "GAME AWARDS" winner. The seals will be the guide for many game funs when they look for a game at the store front. 

CESA will also create posters that will include the game title of the each of the winner. The posters will be distributed to the game software retail stores with the cooperation of the distribution centers. 

With these seals and posters, we hope we can promote the recognition of the "CESA GAME AWARDS" and winners of the award.

Please look forward to the next year's "CESA GAME AWARDS"!! 

GAME AWARDS 2001-2002 Award Seal

Grand Award

Award of Excellence

Special Award
Award Seal

Award of Excellence


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