AWARDED GAMES Amateur Division
AWARDED GAMES Amateur Division
General description

Title Hayabusa return project
Platform PC
Position HAL Tokyo College of Technology & Design
Prize Shimizu Fumihito
Reason for the Honorable Mention
The game balance looks easy at first sight, but once you start playing it, you realize how difficult it is, so it is a game you keeps you coming back to try it again.
There is a time lag until the instruction signal arrives, so you must think ahead when controlling the spacecraft, which increases the game’s outer space feel.
The simple yet colorful graphics are also attractive.
Incorporating the Hayabusa space mission into a game successfully increases the appeal and interest of this game.
SoftBank Creative
Koji Omura
Work Introdution
The mission is to safely return asteroid explorer Hayabusa
back to earth.
You steer the Hayabusa using only the reaction from thrusters while taking account of the Sun’s gravitational pull and centrifugal force as well as the damage to the craft and other factors to try to bring the spacecraft back to earth.
This game not only makes precise physics calculations fun but also shows the appealing beauty of the stars.
This game fuses these two conflicting elements at a high level.

List of Awarded Games
  経済産業大臣賞 年間作品部門 ゲームデザイナーズ大賞 フューチャー部門 アマチュア部門